...in the power of visual
and fun teaching tools.
...in the incredible
difference parents and
other adults can make.
...kids with autism
can make progress,
and we are here to help.

We believe.... ...in the power of visual
and fun teaching tools.
...in the incredible
difference parents and
other adults can make.
...kids with autism can
make progress, and
we are here to help.

MooBoo products were created because “typical” children’s content is often not right for helping autistic kids learn to communicate wants and needs, manage feelings, problem solve, and navigate socially. We use photos of real kids, fun graphics, clear and direct wording, and humor to help kids understand and stay engaged. Our products provide lots of practice and reinforcement opportunities for communication, social, and attending skills.

Check out our products

We believe in the power of parents. There are a lot of hours each week when an autistic child is not in school or other structured programming or therapy. Parents, you can truly make a difference when you treat time with your kid as an opportunity for learning and practicing skills. We’re not talking about formal therapy, but informal, brief interactions that we call “in-the-moment teaching.” Tips & Topics has free autism resources for learning how to foster progress during unstructured time and daily routines.

Free resources here

Jenny Burke, Founder of MooBoo Resources, is an autism mom. She believes strongly that we need to recognize, celebrate, and cultivate all the incredible strengths of individuals with autism, while simultaneously providing them with the support needed to address challenges. Read autism advice, find support, and get inspiration from MooBoo’s autism blog.

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MooBoo products are built on the power of visual teaching and the incredible impact parents and other adults can make using everyday experiences and interactions as learning opportunities.