We hope you love your MooBoo purchase!

While most sellers have a no-return policy for digital downloaded products, we will consider refund requests on a good-faith, case-by-case basis! In doing this we are putting faith in our buyers that they will not use or share products with others after receiving a refund.

In the event you are dissatisfied with your purchase:

  • You must contact us within 14 days of receipt.
  • Faulty Products: If your download is somehow defective or faulty, our first step will be to send you a new one. If we cannot resolve the fault, we will refund your purchase price.
  • Dissatisfaction with Content: We are very hopeful you will have a good idea of what a product is like by the sample pages. While we cannot guarantee a refund, we will consider a good faith request. Please provide details when making your request.
  • There is no refund given to users who did not pay for the product.

Email us at support@moobooresources.com with return requests.